Sabrina Chock
Art 15, LBCC Fall 2014
Esterio Segura
Esterio Segura (MOLAA)
Hello, My name is Sabrina. I enjoyed my second visit to the Mueseum Of Latin American Art. The last time I've visited MOLAA i was in the 5th grade. I didn't really know much about art then, as much as I do know now.When i visited MOLAA it has its first solo artist exhibition Esterio Segura. I find his work amazing and unique. Esterio Segura is a Cuban artist. He was born and raised in Santiago de Cuba on August 22nd, 1970. He went and graduated from Prestigious Institute Superior de Arte in Havana in 1994 where he also taught professionally. Most of his work are painting, sculptures, photography and insalliation. Mr. Segura work are inspired from the humorous imagery that address socially and politically charged themes from the cuban history. His work has been displayed all over the world such as his own country Cuba, the United States, Germany, Span, England, Argentina, Brazil and other places around the world. He is the first solo artist to display his art work at MOLAA from November 22, 2014 - February 15, 2015. If you want to see his amazing art work yourself.
Mr. Segura worked with all different types of essientials from mix media to water colors, charcoal, conte crayon, graphite pencil etc. This drawing of his attracted me in many ways. This drawing is called Tierra fantasma/Phantom Land, 2013. He used Acrylic and white pencil on paper. It reminded me what i learned in class of positive and negative drawing. It's very clean with just using acrylic and white pencil. Mr. Segura likes to express his theme of exile and immgration. So as i see this piece represents a young boy wanting to leave no matter what the consquences are.
This other piece from Mr. Segura is called El final nunca esta en el horizante/The end is never in the horizon. 2001 is used with mixed media on linen. I like how clean Mr. Segura used his visual of capturing a man looking into the horizan. And how smooth the charcoal is used and white pencil you can clearly see in the drawing. Also how he used point perspective in this drawing. All of Mr. Segura drawings represents something. As i see this drawing it stands for a man looking into a horizon overlooking endless possiblities.
I can say going and visiting MOLAA and looking at Esterio Segura's work is amazing and brilliant. I love artists who expresses their feelings into their work and what it stands for. And i think thats what Mr. Segura was going for. Expressing his voice into his drawings is incredible. I wish i caught Mr. Segura's opening exhibition i would love to meet him and tell him how amazing his work is. If you're intrested in seeing Mr. Segura's work visit MOLAA and check it out yourself! His exhibition will be going on at MOLAA from Novemeber 22, 2014 to Februaray 15, 2015
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