Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Esterio Segura

 Lisa King
I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to MOLA (Museum Of Latin American Art), where I viewed the artwork of Esterio Segura. Esterio Segura was born August 22, 1970 and had an interest in the visual arts at an early age.
 He studied at the Escuela de Artes Plasticas of Camaguey Cuba from 1982-1985. He began his instruction a few years later at the Instituto Superior de Arte in Havana, which he finished in 1994. With a backround in sculpture he is equally known for his drawings, painting, and prints. Additionally, recently he has begun adding text to his artwork. Images from mythology, popular imagery, religious art, and art history are subjects utilized in his work. Recurring themes in his work include eroticism, religious rituals, and the use of symbols.
I was quickly and readily able to relate to Esterio Segura’s work. The display of his artwork was primarily very large in mixed media pieces. The composition appeared to have evoked strong emotions and thought provoking images. I found it to be quite delightful visually, it also succeeded in stimulating my mind which is an enjoyable experience. The themes utilized referenced as metaphors, visually combining them in his open-ended syncretism. I especially loved the apparent chaotic and hybrid context in which his works offer contradictions that allow Segura to allude to universal dilemmas.
There were numerous pieces that I really liked by Segura. It would be difficult to pick just one. I contemplated many different ideas and interpretation of his work. I saw several components of his work which I could relate to topics covered in class, such as perspective and line variation.
 I truly enjoyed visiting The Museum Of Latin American Art. Esterio Segura has now become one of my favorite artists, due to the fact that his work is not only thought provoking but visually intriguing as well.

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